Technical description
Vertex/edge indices
Vertex indices
- degree (definition)
- local cluster coefficient (definition)
- degree centrality
- neighbor degree centrality
- neighbor embeddedness centrality
- hits (definition)
- (Perron) eigenvector centrality (definition)
Edge indices
- degree (definition)
- common neighbors (number of incident triangles) (definition)
- Adamic-Adar (definition)
- Ricci curvature (definition)
- sublist
- another item
Spatial embedding
(low-dimensional real-valued vector representation)
Embedding types
- vertex embedding/vector representation
- edge embedding
- induced by vertex embedding
- generated via line graph
- vertex-edge twin-embedding ( a unification and a generalization )
Embedding properties (basic)
- adjacent vertices are closer to each other in the real-valued vector space
- incident edges are closer to each other in he real-valued vector space
Embedding methods
- by force
- via graph Laplacian
- by SG-t-SNE
- (add more)
Histogram images on spatial maps
(must demo an image of a bin on a map, one for vertices, one for edges)
Translation of histogram images
o between two vertex maps o between two edge maps o between a vertex map and an edge map
( must demo the image translation )